It’s a great lesson to desire growth, and want to evolve as spirit. And, it becomes of equal importance to want to evolve, and reconnect with your soul group selected prior to this incarnation. They might not be vibrating at similar frequencies, yet still hold valuable lessons for continuous learning. Creating and develop an awareness of you helps recognize others who’ve come along to further your growth. By being mindful of these connections allow you to discern communication for your overall soul growth, while clearing up any karmic connections from any previous incarnations. Compassion, kindness, and forgiveness can provide excelerrated growth within these connections. Kindness shared with others brings you more kindness for you, and compassion with your individual personal journey. And their becomes no judgement of the overall journey when you lead with love. Your space, is your time, and it’s always divine timing for soul growth, just like you entry within the world. You’re entry within this world shares you’re unique purpose, plan on who you came to be within the universe. You’re divine timing, a miraculous entry within this world.
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Guided Meditations
Marcelle Davis
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