Changing the world begins with our daily interactions with each other. Learning to practice compassion and kindness thru opening our heart with patience and love, creates more room to listen to the story shared . This is a space held to be present for the conversation. In that moment we can choose to release judgment ,while offering acceptance of the journey traveled. By changing our personal picture of ourselves to be present, while connecting to our heart, we create the room to see our own reflection in others. This helps us collectively raise the vibration of the world with each interaction. These moments faced daily are our opportunities to practice compassion with the universe.
~”We raise the vibration of the universe collectively by healing ourselves individually, lighting the way for all in the world”~
#MotherEarth #SelfLove #Universe #InLoveAndLight #Meditation #Compassion #SoulGroups #Manifest #Ascensions #Kundalini #GlobalCommunity #Ase #Kindness