Energy Song Selection:
You light Up My Light~Debbie Boone
“ And you
Light up my life
You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
And fill my nights
With song”
Energy Song Selection:
Get Up, Stand Up~ Bob Marley & The Walers
”He said all that glitters is gold
Half that story ain't never been told
So now you see the light, hey
You stand up for your right
Come on”
Monthly Color Vibration: Ice Blue
May will be a lot lighter than previous months. You’re a natural, things will aligned with your individual light. There’s a lot of healing that’s been worked on, for several incarnations of work. There‘s a clear energetic path to create more within your life, and light. Love is another avenue with many turns, and directions. Stay on the clear path with less distractions, the main route will offer the most supported guidance from the spiritual world if you’re awaiting a sign or confirmation. Lovely has returned this month. You’re the bringer of light within every direction, not matter the hold on your energetic attention your light will guide you thru with grace. Stopped playing with numbers, and recognize their true angelic gifts they bring during times of needed validation of the collaboration of the spiritual and physical world. Blessings upon blessings for some this month. It’s a break out month before the new season begins.
Remember there’s a free 30 minute monthly meditation offered to all levels. It’s held the last Saturday of the month at 10:00 am, next class is 5.28.22. Confirm your space by filling out the chat section on the website.
Please feel free to share with all who may want to learn some tools to begin their journey of awareness as spirit and energy. Liking or Sharing this message here on the blog, or on other platforms will be counted as an entry within a monthly clairvoyant Aura reading or clairvoyant healing drawing. Selection drawn at the end of the month.
If this is we’re we part continue blessings on this journey of life. And if you ever get a chance today, and each day forward please make it magical.
In Love and Light🦋
Continue Blessings
Marcelle Denise Davis