Each month spirit offers energetic offerings to help raise awareness of the collective shared journey. This may help you as spirit obtain , manifest, or confirm your very own inspiration/intentions of moving forward on this path of being love. Receive all that resonates for you, and feel free to release what does not resonate. “

Energetic Gem: Aquamarine
Energetic Color: Light Green/Blue
Energetic Number : 21/3
Energetic Flower: Light turquoise carnation
Energetic Day: Tuesday
Energetic Song:
“Where is the love”-Roberta Flack, Donnie Hathaway
“Earth Song”-Michael Jackson
Energetic Planet: Earth
This month starts off vibrating in a light turquoise almost pastel. March appeared in a carnation very tall with new roots. This flower is blooming with many petals without a deep grounding. The roots are shown just below the surface. March looks clear, but not fully developed. It’s the beginning of major shifts. Some of this energy relates to the global political climate community we’re all apart of regardless of your attention. The US’s President Trump appears with a lot of makeup, or a lot of makeup behind the scenes. A apology tour behind close doors may be significant.

There’s smoke hovering over Asia, this could play out as smoke in the sky or conflict from another. The Middle East looks like their sitting in their chairs, thrones, almost ancient like Egypt, and other parts of Africa. Twins in history with different gifts for the world to grow in humanity.
Independence seems like the theme for those making moves of new spiritual agreements, all supporting connections what is needed for humanity to move forward.
There’s a lot room for major surprises in small gestures. Love highlighted, true soul counterparts connecting once again. This could represent old connections with new awareness.
There’s a lot shifting all over the world, especially climate, floods, rain, ground opening up, fires . Take a step and give yourself permission to set intentions for prayer of all. A couple of minutes can change the world we all experience.

If any of this message resonates for you this month, or later months, feel free take a moment for yourself, breathe, and ground to release any energy that no longer matches your highest intention for the awareness just received.
Create the intention to receive all blessings, and shift all energy to transmute all into healing as spirit in wholeness. One way to help transmute this energy is bring your awareness to your breath. This will help slow everything around you to recognize more of yourself in present time. Then visualize the color gold all around you, this can be golden suns surrounding your aura replenishing and restoring your energy.
Thank you for creating the space today to read a view of the collective global world clairvoyantly.
Sending continue blessings to you, on this collective shared journey.
Be sure to honor you as spirt along this path of love and harmony. It wasn't easy getting here, but you did it, and you manage to get here with courage, grace, tenacity, and resilience. Remember, you’re here on this planet for a reason. And, I’m extremely grateful for our connection here on this platform. I feel incredibly fortunate to be part of this collective journey with you.
If you're ready this month to take a step by standing in your authentic wholeself as spirit, feel free to join one of the free monthly meditation services or connect with my website and book an intuitive development class, aura reading or aura healing offered at MarcelleDeniseDavis.com.
Continue Blessings,
In Love and Light 🦋
Marcelle D. Davis