“These energetic monthly offerings help raise awareness of energetic connections as well as offer confirmation of the collective journey. This may help you as spirit obtain or manifest your inspiration/intentions moving forward. Receive all that resonates for you, and feel free to release what does not resonate. “
Energetic Color of the Month:Cobalt Blue
Energetic Gem of the Month: Blue Sapphire
Energetic Songs of the Month:
Can’t help it ~Michael J. Jackson
Chicago~ Michael J. Jackson
Do They Know it’s Christmas Time? ~ Band Aid
Energetic Number of the Month: 3
Energetic Day of the Month: Tuesday
Energetic Flower of the Month : Blue chrysanthemum
We made it , it’s the last month of 2024. There’s still a lot of energies playing out from previous months. This month looks like earth is healing itself, there’s a blue energy that looks like sea foam green in areas. This is Mother Earth working to heal herself. There’s a connection to the winds, it looks like it was aligned with the trade winds but helped vertically. Wind looks like it’s in swirl pattern around the planet.
Trump, Trump, Trump there’s a chant shouted this month it looks like a deep evergreen energies around Christmas. There’s a desire to have, or decorate more real trees, and planting more trees. The shout or chant for President Trump is nor positive or negative just a chant that’s echoes global in volume. It looks like intention on next steps.
A lot of agreements are being reworked between countries. Old agreements are outdated and no longer reflect present time values. Countries not previously aligned are looking at new advantages and benefits. Be prepared for new alliances. Day to day festivities may present surprises that look like the energies of miracles .
Messages may play out months later. There’s some cloudiness, weather or computer related. Love is revisited for most, soul partners that honor the best within each other for this lifetime. This is true divine counterparts.
If any of this message resonates for you this month or previous months, take a moment for yourself breathe and ground.
Create the intention to receive all blessings, and create intentions to transmute all into healing as spirit. Visualizing the color gold may be helpful.
Thank you for taking the time today to read a view of the global world clairvoyantly.
Sending you continue blessings on this journey. Make sure you honor you as spirt along this path of love.
It wasn't easy getting here, but you did it, and you manage with courage, grace, and resilience. You're here for a reason.
Extremely grateful to connect with you here on this platform.
This month, if you're ready to be more of an active participant in your life, and create more opportunities of awareness with the universe you experience feel free to join one of the intuitive development classes offered on MarcelleDeniseDavis.com.
Continue Blessings
In Love and Light 🦋
Marcelle D. Davis