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Guided Meditations

Marcelle Davis

Be of Faith and Love

Updated: Jul 14, 2024

Events, and tragedies within our global community can have an energetic impact on all sensitive spiritual beings here on Earth. These incidents are opportunities for the collective to respond within the vibration of grace, forgiveness, and love. Kindness and compassion offered thru each situation changes lives for all daily within the world experience. The soul’s desire to act, or move to help upon feeling helplessness is confirmation you as spirit are ready to grow and heal. This is profound cellular healing as spirit. All can be extremely overwhelming for sensitive souls.

During moments of great change for the collective soul group, it becomes imperative to tune into you're individual energy, and journey as spirit. The more time you learn to spend time within quiet reflection or meditation the more awareness you create for yourself from the seat of your soul, or the space behind your eyes. This is the space that allows you room to look at energy from neutrality providing more opportunities to learn a soul, and connect with the essence of who you came to be within this lifetime.

All of these events, unforeseen incidents are all spiritual agreements with opportunities to learn, and apply more wisdom daily. Be brave, and release all fear during these times of uncertainty, and connect to all that’s certain for you within the present moment. All things in direct contradiction of who you are, can not thrive within your space, and remember you’re love, and quite powerful as spirit.

Keep faith close to you during these times, and exercise courage daily thru continuing to love despite current challenging conditions.

To be love, choose love, and receive love is one the bravest acts you can provide yourself this lifetime. Be of love and faith with every step, and watch your world open up with appreciation and gratitude daily.

Feel free to join a free monthly meditation class the last Saturday of the month at 10am from the comfort of your home. Learn some tools to apply within your life daily that allows you to remember your soul essence was created in love. These tools learned monthly help you develop, or build a regular practice of honoring yourself thru meditation.

All needed is a comfortable chair and quiet space for 30 minutes. Hold your spot today by visiting the Let’s Chat selection of this website, and placing a written request for the next class.

A confirmation will be sent with teleconference numbers, and access codes.

Next Class Date: 5/28/22

Time: 10:00 am

Location: Teleconference

Continue Blessings,

In Love and Light 🦋

Marcelle Denise Davis


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