Month Vibration Color : Gold ( Especially Crown Chakra Area)
April Song Selection: How much can a Heart Take by Yebba and Lucky Daye,
Heavy Heavy~Dream Girls
April will be an abundant month filled with golden coins. This looks like ancient abundance from the beginning, divine inheritance. This abundance has a connection to more abundance, there was string connected to golden coins. April has an energetic connection to the wildebeest with an emphasis on the summer months . There was a herd making their way like migration, something different about this year‘s path. April offers many connections to garden tools, and the freshness of lands, or the returns to farms, gardens. Many will be reminded of past live connections to providing for families with harvest. Balloons festivals have a connection to dreams shared within the universe. This is also resurrection season, daffodils will offer opportunities to connect to renewals, and rebirths. This is miracle energy. Be ready to be open, and receive your miracle daily. If you're in Connecticut this month be sure to check out the Daffodil Festival in Meriden, CT. It’s a beautiful opportunity to connect with the daffodils, spring and a park designed for people to share and receive nature’s blessings with no cost.
In addition to the Daffodil festival , make sure you reserve your space for the next free 30 Minute Meditation class offered from the comforts of your home. Learn some tools monthly to help you develop, or build a regular practice of honoring you thru mediation. All is needed is a comfy chair and quiet space for 30 minutes. Reserve your space today by visiting the Let’s Chat selection of this website, and placing a written request. A confirmation will be sent with teleconference numbers, and access codes.
Next Class Date: 4/30/22
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Teleconference

Continue Blessings Everyone, and if you get chance this month make sure you make it MAGICAL!
In Love and Light 🦋
Marcelle Denise Davis
